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Berhenti merokok dengan rokok ?
Ramuan yang juga berfungsi sebagai jamu terapi kesehatan tersebut merupakan warisan leluhur tanpa bahan kimia maupun candu. Terdiri dari beberapa ramuan tradisional dan rempah-rempah yang berfungsi melancarkan peredaran darah, membersihkan racun dalam tubuh terutama pada saluran pernapasan, tenggorokan, dan paru-paru.
Rasa Rokok Herbal secara umum adalah khas rasa Rokok yang pernah dibuat dan dinikmati oleh Raja-Raja Kerajaan Majapahit dan tersebar di seluruh dunia pada masanya. Sudah tentu sesuai dengan karakter cita rasa peRokok Nusantara.
Setelah dilakukan penelitian di laboratorium, Rokok Herbal menunjukkan bahwa kadar “Nikotin Rokok Herbal” sangat rendah, bahkan dinyatakan mendekati 0%.
Beberapa bahan yang terkandung dalam puluhan bahan ramuan Rokok Herbal diantaranya adalah :
- Daun Sirih
- Kayu Siwak
- Madu
Semua orang tau merokok itu dapat merusak kesehatan, tapi tetap saja orang-orang membeli rokok. Bahkan tanpa disadari satu hari bisa menghabiskan beberapa bungkus rokok.
Bayangkan berapa banyak uang yang anda hamburkan?? Ditambah lagi masalah penyakit yang akan muncul dikemudian hari. Berapa banyak kerugian yang anda alami? Uang habis sia-sia, kesehatan anda terganggu.
Tetapi berbeda bila anda menghisap RokokHerbal,dijamin penyakit menjauh dan kesehatan anda tetap terjaga,karena RokokHerbal adalah rokok yang menyehatkan.
Kalau anda sayang diri anda,maka segera ganti rokok lama anda dengan RokokHerbal sekarang juga anda buktikan dan rasakan semua manfaatnya.
Anda pasti tidak akan pernah menyesal. Semuanya kini ada ditangan anda,bergabung atau tidak toh tiap hari anda pasti beli rokok juga... Wassalam. akan saya bahas kelanjutannya dalam bahasa bisnis MLM. Ok
Vortex Vista 3G Updates
Vortex Vista 3G Updates AddOn contains :
-update Silverlight v2.0.31005.0
-add update KB967715
-Live Messenger 2009 Build 14.0.8064.0206
-Yahoo! Messenger
-The possibility of adding more than one user & Theme during the installation
-Registration Reform Program UltraIso
And more of the other reforms !!
Power Memory Optimizer
Defrag your computer's memory, increasing the efficiency of your CPU and Motherboard caches, recovers memory leaks from poorly behaved applications, flushes unused libraries temporarily out to disk and so on.
Tackle the most difficult and crucial problems of memory management. Optimize system memory, improve core kernel performance or manage other performance tweaks
keep your computer (PC) running better, faster, and longer.
Power Memory Optimizer allows you to instantly free up memory when your system slows down.
Free up Your PC Memory
Free wasted memory automatically.
Fight with Memory Leaks.
Let your favorite applications use all the memory they need.
Recover Memory Leaks
Memory defragment.
Recovers Memory leaks from unstable programs.
Recovers Memory from Windows and your applications.
Increase System Performance
Increase the amount of Memory available.
Let you run large applications simultaneously without slowing down your system!
Basic and advanced features help you to reclaim wasted memory of your computer and increase your computer speed by 300%.
View Graphical presentation of your System's Memory Status
Displays real-time graph of available physical and virtual Memory.
Covers the memory and CPU usage information, coupled with real time memory statistics on available and consumed memory, along with CPU usage.
Easy to Use
Set in a highly intuitive, attractive, logical and user-friendly graphical user interface.
Easy and powerful for both beginners and experts.
Finishes all Work with a few clicks
System Requirments:
Processor type: Pentium
Processor speed: 533 MHz
Memory (Cache): 128 MB RAM Minimum
Hard disk: IDE
Operating system: Windows Vista/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
Soundcard: MME-compatible Soundcard
Graphics: 256 colors @ 800 x 600
•Takes less CPU resource
•New interface adds more features
•New features of process manager
A Handful Of Keyboard Shortcuts
When it comes to working with a computer there are a couple types of people that I primarily divide into mouse people and keyboard people. I am a keyboard person. While some tasks require reaching for the mouse there are many others that keyboard shortcuts exist for. I find that I can type faster and navigate around some of the more common functions I use by hitting keyboard shortcuts than I can by using the mouse.
my favorite keyboard shortcuts include (please note the format, the colon (:) at the end is not part of the shortcut):
- CTRL + C: Copy
- CTRL + X: Cut
- CTRL +V: Paste
- CTRL + A: Select All.
- Alt + Tab: Change / cycle through active window / application.
- Alt + PrntSc: Capture screen shot of active window.
- F2: Renames current file selected.
- F6: Toggle between active frame in explorer view.
There are also a handful of shortcuts that I find very useful that include using the Windows Logo key (often located between CTRL and ALT on most Windows keyboards). I will refer to this as WINLOGO below, the shortcuts are:
- WINLOGO + R: Open the Run… window.
- WINLOGO + Pause / Break: Display system properties.
- WINLOGO + M: Minimize all windows.
- WINLOGO + D: Show the desktop.
- WINLOGO+ E: Open Windows Explorer (I often hit E when intending to hit R for Run…, it is irritating).
- WINLOGO +F: Opens the Windows search / find dialog.
I would say that my most commonly used shortcut would have to be the WINLOGO + R for the Run… menu. I tend to open a lot of command prompts while troubleshooting and I find that WINLOGO + R type cmd and hit Enter and away I go. Anyway - I hope that someone else may find a use for some of these quick shortcut keys - are there any others that you frequently use?